first day of summer semester
Tuesday 27 May 2014 @ 11:54 pm

and so summer semester has started. had the first lesson of biopsychology, and it isnt that bad (yet). i do think our professor is pretty anal about some stuffs but i really like how he lectures and he makes stuffs really easy to be understood (tho i really need to catch up with scientific terms). there is a need to stop slacking and start reading up on the textbook as well since i do believe it's going to be gone through really quickly. and bless, there isnt any group work for this module and i love it. no group work = not raging at group mates.

on the side note, i'm addicted to the series "coppelion" and this is not good. i have tons of feels for all coppelions and i am in love with the third years a whole lot.

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