some updates and useless flails
Thursday 23 May 2013 @ 6:36 pm

a few more days (a week actually) before i'm off to taiwan! with my family tho, but i'm looking forward to it since it's been a long time since we've traveled that far (the last time was easily five years back). well there's still the aim to travel with my friends (esp. yanhan), even if it's to malaysia it would be good (tho both of us are obsessed with korea and japan). well that's the happier news that's happening recently in RL.

on the not-so-nice side, time for appeal and stuffs. dad actually suggested that i wait for clemens's (my eldest cousin) ROD and go over to australia to study together and just work until then. that was actually very appealing, but no mum decided that i should try every means to remain in singapore so yes. i was thinking about just working this year to be honest. i mean, i would like to have more time. oh well, we'll just see what comes.

and so i continue my neet/hikki life. oh fandom-wise, i'm highly addicted to Jafar from Magi. here's my precious baby.
jafar from magi
(fanart by pixiv artist)

ain't my baby pretty? i love him so much that i kept tweeting about him, causing mero jiji to dream about raining jafars (gomenacchai jiji!). well, thank you jiji too because she help me to get my jafar eyemask, which was apparently the last piece on amiami. anyway, jafar here is a professional assassin at the age of ten. yes i love him. my favourite character throughout the series.

apart from that, i've covered yi er fanclub with mero jiji (shamelessly links it over here)! well we had fun and mero jiji's presh. excuse me if we (more of me) destroyed your eardrums. i am five y/o because of my voice (esp when i sing, i dont even know why). well, once mint was playing one of my covers and her mum came in and said "her voice is so tiny", and mint said that i was five y/o. and her mum went "no wonder". yes i can pass of as five y/o with my voice.

i'm just trying to fill up this post with as much insignificant stuffs. oh i had pancakes for lunch (i made them) and played gundam on xbox360 with my brother. I ONLY KNOW KIRA. AND I CAN ONLY USE STRIKE FREEDOM, DEAL WITH IT.

oh talking about fandom, JUMP is releasing Come on a My House in June! their first single this year~ i've already pre-ordered my copies, no regrets (even if i have to wait for more than a month for them to come, as of now).

riko's mission in taiwan:
☆ buy clothes
☆ take tons of photos
☆ hunt for cosplay stuffs if possible
☆ hunt for light novels that are in chinese and doujinshis
☆ generally hunt for fandom stuffs
☆ get masks
☆ raid 7/11 and watsons

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